

当我们敬拜赞美的时候,我们是将神的荣耀带到地上,我们应用赞美的大能彰显神的大荣耀。撒母耳记上1314节,称大卫是合神心意的人;大卫王在(诗篇1496)愿他们口中称赞神为高;大卫为王,他放下王的身份,谦卑与民一起赞美神,却疯狂的“HIGH PRAISE”来行容!撒母耳记下613-14节,大卫把约柜接到耶路撒冷的那段路:抬约柜的人每走六步,大卫就献牛与肥畜为祭,大卫穿着细麻布以弗得,在耶和华面前极力跳舞,大卫和以色列全家欢呼,将耶和华的约柜接下来!
赞美为要荣耀祂,神创造我们人类就是为要荣耀祂!我们藉着敬拜赞美把神的荣耀都归给祂。我们许多时候都忘了把神放为首位,祷告时只知道祈求自己所想所要,求主满足我们,求主医治我们。却不知把主放首位,满足主的心 !‘先求祂的和祂的义’主祷文里:‘愿袮的降临’,在天上的国度宝座前的敬拜是昼夜不停,那是‘高的赞美’,当我们祷告‘愿神的国降临’在地上时,我们应该用非常HIGH的,全情投入的敬拜赞美!(请参阅启4章,7章宝座前的敬拜赞美)诗篇150篇大卫用当时所有的乐器同时来赞美耶和华,有角声,有击鼓,弹琴,有丝弦的乐器,有萧的声音,大声的钹,高声的钹,可想而知大卫当时是多么‘疯狂HIGH的赞美’!





大家都说传勇息了今生的事奉 ,                                                                                                                                                                                               已到天上继续敬拜!看安详的样子,似乎他已到天父宝座前继续敬拜赞美!




在这个时代,神已呼召我们信徒成为转化的器皿。有位牧者说:‘转化不是神说什么或记载什么,乃是你说什么及如何回应神及相信神他可以使用你!’转化开始于你对邻舍无条件的爱,爱邻舍的心,爱家庭的心,爱公司,爱同事的心;爱学校,爱学生的心,爱同学的心;爱教会,爱各族群,爱我们的的诗巫,爱我们国家的心……..。爱不要感觉付出太多,求主帮助我们能付出无条件的爱,转化首要的条件就是看我们的心中的爱有多少!马太541 节“有人强逼你走一里路,你就同他走二里路”只有那无条件的爱才愿意走多一里路,两里路或更长的路…………..





Chuck Pierce

Achieving the success and prosperity that God has for us is not automatic just because we are His children. We must cooperate and participate with the plan of God to help us move toward all He has for us. The following are some keys to help along the way:
1. Put God first. “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? . . . For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things” (Matt. 6:24-25,32-34, emphasis added).
As this passage so clearly states, we cannot serve both God and the love of wealth. God is not merely a means to our financial security. People with that attitude will never reach their full potential until their hearts have been changed. God is not our servant. Instead, we are His servants. The apostle Paul, one of God’s greatest success stories, wrote, “I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:12-13).
We may experience times of hunger in our lives, but if we are following God and seeking Him first, those times can be considered as a few pages in the book of our ultimate success. God knows what we need. The promise in Matthew 6 is that if we seek Him first, He will see to it that what we need, when we need it, will be there for us.
2. Follow covenant agreement. Every one of us who has experienced the saving grace of God has entered into a covenant agreement with Him. Many analogies are used throughout Scripture to define the relationship: He is our Father; we are His children. He is our Shepherd; we are the sheep of His pasture. He is the Head; we are the Body. He is the Master; we are the servants.
Each of these analogies paints a simple picture. It is up to God to provide for our needs, to promote us to the next level, to teach and guide us, to help us move forward and prevail. It is up to God to see that we have a portion and an inheritance. But, it is up to us to obey His commandments at every turn in order to see all His provision come to fruition. If we break the covenant through disobedience, rebellion, unbelief, sluggishness, forgetting God or hidden sin, we bring peril to our own success.
3. Seek strategy from God to reach your goal. The concept of reaching toward a goal is both wise and biblical. In Philippians 3, Paul writes, “No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to heaven” (vv. 13-14, NLT). Here Paul reveals that the success God has for us is not just for this earthly life, but will continue in heaven.
Reaching toward our goal of godly success seems to have a dual purpose. First, we are reaching toward our God-given potential to accomplish His plan for us while here on earth. Second, we are laying up a prize in heaven that is eternal. What a complete picture of success! God has a strategy for each of us to reach our goal. By seeking Him, we will gain pieces of the strategy along the way. As we are obedient to follow that strategy, we will one day stand before Him with confidence, knowing we reached the end of the race with success.
4. Live in Christ. “For I live in eager expectation and hope that I will never do anything that causes me shame, but that I will always be bold for Christ, as I have been in the past, and that my life will always honor Christ, whether I live or I die. For to me, living is for Christ, and dying is even better” (Phil. 1:20-21, NLT). Here again, Paul brings success into an eternal perspective. To live for Christ and to honor Him in all that we do will bring us ultimate success and prosperity, whether we live or die. Many honorable saints throughout the history of the Church have shed their blood as martyrs for Christ Jesus. These are great success stories in the Kingdom.
But so, too, are those who live following Christ, not loving their lives unto death. These Christians are also honorable saints who are great success stories in the Kingdom. Success is as simple as knowing that when we allow Christ to lead us, we will always prosper in our souls, and that we will be blessed in all areas of life, both now and eternally.
Each one of us has a God-given destiny of success. That is a part of the inheritance we have as children of God. But what does having an inheritance in God really mean? Let’s take a look.




1. 達瑪烷苷元製劑在美國的臨床研究

Dr.Jerome BockDr. Seve Evans 在美國Harbor-UCLA Medical CenterTherapeutics Research Institute 對 達瑪烷苷元製劑進行了一期與二期合併臨床研究。臨床研究對象是晚期胰腺癌和前列腺癌病人,觀察指標為達瑪烷苷元製劑的毒副作用與對晚期癌症生活質量的影 響。結果表明達瑪烷苷元製劑未見任何毒副作用,病人總體上的生命質量指標卻明顯改善了。再臨床研究期間的八個月內,所有胰腺癌病人的腫瘤未見增大;在服用 期內所有前列腺癌病人前列腺特異性抗原(PSA)指標均中度下降或保持穩定。負責該項研究的美國著名腫瘤專家Dr.Jerome BlockDr.Steve Evans相信達瑪烷苷元製劑是新型有效而無毒的抗腫瘤產品(相關內容發表再美國(ASCO)會議上。

2. 達瑪烷苷元製劑在加拿大的臨床研究

BC Cancer Agency 的腫瘤專家Dr. Emma Gunsthe Cener of Integrated HeaingDr. HalGuunDr. Linda Balneaves對達瑪烷苷元口服劑型用於晚期癌症進行了一系列的研究。結果表明療效明確。除在高劑量的使用時發現有輕微的腸胃不適外,沒有發現任何其他副作用。

經北美多名知名的自然療法腫瘤專家臨床應用,使用達瑪烷苷元製劑作為治療癌症的重要手段,累計治療並人數以千計 多年的臨床觀察顯示,經過達瑪烷苷元製劑的治療,絕大部分患者的臨床症狀有好轉,生活質量也有改善,部分患者的腫瘤縮小甚至消失。

3. 達瑪烷苷元製劑在中國的臨床研究



4. 達瑪烷苷元製在日本的臨床研究

在日本東京進行的臨床試驗顯示達瑪烷苷元可提高免疫功能,同時,Ige和白介素-6(IL-6)平均值均有所降低,試驗同時也證明了達瑪烷苷元臨床使用的安全性 ,末梢血像、肝功能及白蛋白與球蛋白比均正常。

5. 達瑪烷苷元製劑在中亞和東歐國家的臨床研究









在我们的人生中难免也都会遇上各种不同的风暴,感情,婚姻的风暴,经济,健康,家庭风暴等等………。我们要怎样从这些风暴中走出来,还能喜乐的生活,那才是巨人。我们如何在这风暴中仍然有坚固,持守的信心,那才是最关键的。我们却要在患难时 ,风暴中突显我们对主的信心,紧紧抓住祂,依靠祂,学习信心与祷告的生活。我们可以这样祷告:天父,我们感谢袮赐给我这不平凡的一生,我们奉主耶稣基督的圣名宣告:我虽经风暴,是患难,是病痛,或死亡,但这些都不能使我与袮的爱隔绝。我的‘钱途’茫茫,经济的风暴,袮都知道,但袮是赐吗哪的上帝,我愿每天经历袮的大能;每日的饮食袮都赐给我。我奉主耶稣基督的圣名宣告:至于我和我家我们必定事奉耶和华,我把我的(未信主的家人)交在你的手中,袮所爱的,袮必定管教,袮必定会带领他们回转归向袮。婚姻是你所设立的,袮不应许魔鬼,撒旦的破坏;愿袮不叫我们遇见试探,拯救我们脱离婚姻的风暴,主袮‘肯’抓住彼得的手,不让他下沉海里,袮一定‘肯’拉我们一把,我们就有救了!奉主耶稣基督的圣名祷告,阿们。